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Celebrating National Ice Cream Cone Day

Yesterday was National Ice Cream Cone Day, and our residents were more than happy to celebrate. In fact, most of them ate the ice cream so quickly we barely had the chance to take their pictures!

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Memorial Day Party at San Simeon by the Sound

Last week we celebrated Memorial Day by having a Social Distancing Shindig! Hosted by Claudio’s of Greenport, our residents had a blast dancing to the music and watching heartfelt videos sent by their loved ones.

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Join Us For our Memorial Day Social Distancing Shindig!

On Wednesday, May 27th, Claudio’s of Greenport is hosting a Memorial Day weekend party for the residents of San Simeon by the Sound. Join the fun between 2:30pm and 4:00pm on Facebook Live!

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106th Rescue Wing Flyover at San Simeon

Last Friday, May 15th, the New York Air National Guard’s 106th Rescue Wing showed their appreciation for frontline workers in the battle against COVID-19 by performing a flyover across Long Island. Some of us were lucky enough to see the Combat King II search and rescue plane escorted by two Pave Hawk helicopters as they flew overhead.

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Celebrating Our Incredible Nurses

National Skilled Nursing Care Week, also known as Nursing Home Week, and National Nurses Week are both celebrated every year during the first half of May.

So here’s to our nurses!

The San Simeon nursing staff is filled with compassionate caregivers who prioritize the health and happiness of our residents above all else. We could not be more grateful to have these outstanding people as members of the San Simeon family!

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Happy Mother’s Day From San Simeon by the Sound

Just a couple of days ago, families everywhere celebrated Mother’s Day. This year, the mothers residing at San Simeon by the Sound received a little something special!

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An Important Message From Our Administrator

Good Afternoon San Simeon Family Members,

We are pleased to report that San Simeon’s residents continue to be COVID-19/Coronavirus free. Amazingly, we have not had any confirmed or suspected cases since the beginning of this pandemic.

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Cinco de Mayo at San Simeon by the Sound

At San Simeon by the Sound, we celebrate Cinco de Mayo in style! This year, our residents enjoyed authentic Mexican music while chowing down on some delicious enchiladas and churros. Take a look at these photos for a glimpse at all the fun we had!

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Well Deserved Praise for Our Nursing Director

Kelly Moteiro, Director of Nursing at San Simeon, continues leading the hard-fought battle to keep our facility free of COVID-19. Each of our staff members has worked hand-in-hand with Moteiro to ensure the health and safety of our residents.

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Celebrating Our Community and Staff

San Simeon is truly blessed to be surrounded by a community filled with compassionate, amazing people helping us get through this pandemic together. Our staff and residents appreciate everything you do!

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