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Author Archives: sssAdmin

Sunday, May 1st COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents and Families, Unfortunately, due to the recent resurgence of COVID-19 with this new variant, we have five residents who have tested positive for COVID-19. All are currently confined to the West Unit. We have taken appropriate steps to isolate these residents and have tested all residents as a precaution. Additionally, we currently have […]

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Tuesday, February 22nd COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents and Family Members, We are pleased to report no new cases of COVID-19 among either our residents or our staff members. While we have been COVID-free for several weeks now, we must still maintain masking, social distancing, and negative COVID-19 tests 24 hours prior to visitation until the Department of Health permits us […]

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Thursday, January 20th COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents and Families, Testing between yesterday and today revealed a total of seven new cases of COVID among our residents. All but two of our previous COVID cases are still testing positive so the total cases in the building is nine. We also had one additional employee test positive, making the total of employees […]

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Friday, January 14th COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents and Families, I would like to update you on our COVID-19 status. This week we had one new COVID-19 case among our residents bringing our current total of resident COVID-19 cases to two. We also had one new employee positive result. Additionally, the Department of Health has provided some clarification regarding home testing […]

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Sunday, March 28th COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents and Families, As you may be aware, the Governor has relaxed some of the restrictions on visitation to be more in line with CMS guidance. As a result of these changes the following pertains to visitation effective March 29th. The most significant change is that visitation can occur regardless of positive staff or […]

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Monday, March 8th COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents and Family Members, We are pleased to report we continue to have no positive cases of COVID-19 among our residents. However we unfortunately have had another employee test positive this morning. As a result, our new earliest reopen date for visitors is now moved to March 22nd. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience. […]

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Monday, January 18th COVID-19 Test Results

Dear residents and family members, I am pleased to report that testing performed on all residents on Saturday and again today, Monday, January 18th, revealed no new cases of COVID-19. While it is very encouraging that we may have been successful in containing the outbreak, we must continue frequent testing and strict isolation protocols until […]

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Potential Reopening to Visitors on January 5th

Unfortunately, three of our employees have tested positive for COVID-19 as a result of our most recent weekly testing. Subsequently, we are prohibited from allowing visitation for the next 14 days. Our earliest date for reopening to visitors is January 5th. Additionally, residents must remain on their units and communal activities must also be suspended […]

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COVID-19 Vaccination Schedule

To all San Simeon by the Sound Residents and Families: As we are again in the midst of a regional and national spike in COVID-19 infections we are pleased to bring to your attention the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination schedule for all long-term care residents.

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Continuation of Visitation Suspension

Good Morning Residents, Family Members and Designated Representatives, Unfortunately, the virus situation in the local community has not significantly improved, and in fact, positive cases are climbing island-wide. More local nursing facilities are seeing significant spikes in cases of COVID-19 and deaths, as well. As difficult restricting visitation is and has been, especially with the […]

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