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COVID-19 Vaccination Schedule

To all San Simeon by the Sound Residents and Families:

As we are again in the midst of a regional and national spike in COVID-19 infections we are pleased to bring to your attention the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination schedule for all long-term care residents.

At this time the New York State Department of Health has provided us with the dates of December 30, 2021 for the first of two Pfizer vaccinations. The second vaccination is scheduled for 21 days later on January 21, 2021. This vaccine along with Moderna’s vaccine have been granted Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA. Preliminary studies and use demonstrated greater than 90% effectiveness in providing immunity to COVID-19 and have shown great reductions in the number and intensity of infections in the few trial patients who did contract COVID-19. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine were exceptionally safe with side effects limited to a day or two of mild symptoms: headache, body-aches, low grade fever and soreness at the injection site.

COVID-19 vaccine

Please note that every resident who receives the vaccine will be observed closely for 20 minutes by our clinical staff for signs or symptoms of severe allergic reactions which to date have been exceedingly rare. We will have on hand emergency treatments to be administered in the event of allergic reactions. We anticipate a smooth and orderly vaccination process that will be delivered by a CVS pharmacy nursing home team with our clinical staff supervision.

As Medical Director of two skilled nursing facilities and a primary care physician for the past 30 years I strongly believe in the immunological benefit of this vaccine for your loved one(s). This vaccination will have a life saving benefit for our residents and your loved ones who are almost all at high risk for severe complications and death from COVID-19.

We are reaching out to all residents, families and health care proxies to obtain consent for this vaccination series.

Kelly Moteiro, RN, Director of Nursing Services and I will be available to answer any and all questions regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and hope to hear back from you soon.

Lew Anreder, MD FAAFP CMD
Medical Director
San Simeon by the Sound

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