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Thursday, January 5th Update

Dear Residents and Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and have a Happy and Healthy New Year to come. Unfortunately, with ongoing resident testing yesterday, we had one resident on C floor test positive. We have one staff member out with COVID at this time. We continue with enhanced infection control measures to ensure the continued safety of our residents. Specifically, we are requiring everyone who enters our building to wear an N95 facemask, as well as enforcing strict social distancing and limiting larger gatherings regardless of vaccination status. We cannot stop visitation, but please do not visit if you are not feeling well in any way. Testing for visitors has not changed; a negative COVID test must be presented every 24 hours. We supply tests to visitors 7 days a week. I cannot stress the importance of mask wearing in the facility enough. I understand many of us are vaccinated and tested, but remember, we can still test positive tomorrow and have exposed the most vulnerable population. I understand the rules at San Simeon are very strict, but it is for the safety of our residents, staff, and families. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. I will update you as changes come. Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding.


Kelly Moteiro MS RN Acting Administrator

senior female and doctor wearing protective face masks
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