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Staying Healthy During the Winter Months

The winter season is quickly approaching, along with the colder weather it brings. There are various ways to maintain your health and overall well-being in these chillier temperatures. In this article, we will provide you with some helpful tips to keep healthy during the winter months.

woman eating healthy vegan meal from a bowl

Eating Healthy

No matter the season, a nutrient-enriched diet can go a long way in boosting your physical and mental health. And while it is all right to indulge a little bit during holiday feasts, you should still try to maintain a well-balanced diet.

Make Nutritious Choices

Eating a diet full of vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains can also help you stay healthy during the colder months. Consider treats that will satisfy cravings but have less fat and added sugar, and also keep an eye on portion size. When making your food shopping list during the holidays, think about healthier alternatives to traditional comfort foods.

National Library of Medicine

Physical Activity

Finding the time to keep physically active during the winter months helps boost your metabolism while strengthening heart health and other aspects of your physical and mental wellness.

Stay Active

Shorter days and colder weather may lead you to exercise less. But even moderate exercise, like a brisk walk, raking leaves, or climbing stairs, can help. Physical activity can help you maintain or lose weight, reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve your quality of sleep.

Stay Warm

Here are some tips for keeping warm while you’re inside:


  • Set your heat to at least 68–70°F. To save on heating bills, close off rooms you are not using. Close the vents and shut the doors in these rooms, and keep the basement door closed. Place a rolled towel in front of all doors to keep out drafts.
  • Make sure your house isn’t losing heat through windows. Keep your blinds and curtains closed. If you have gaps around the windows, try using weather stripping or caulk to keep the cold air out.
  • Dress warmly on cold days even if you are staying in the house. Throw a blanket over your legs. Wear socks and slippers.
  • When you go to sleep, wear long underwear under your pajamas, and use extra covers. Wear a cap or hat.
  • Make sure you eat enough food to keep up your weight. If you don’t eat well, you might have less fat under your skin. Body fat helps you to stay warm.
  • Drink alcohol moderately, if at all. Alcoholic drinks can make you lose body heat.
  • Ask family or friends to check on you during cold weather. If a power outage leaves you without heat, try to stay with a relative or friend.

National Institute on Aging

snowy winter landscape with trees, a bridge, and a lamp post
senior woman on couch drinking coffee and reading a book wrapped in a blanket

Live Healthy Year-Round

Continuing to live a healthy lifestyle throughout the year maximizes the benefits to your overall well-being. Whether it is winter, spring, summer, or fall, you should always try your best to maintain healthy habits.

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