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Visitation and Vaccination Updates

Dear Residents and Family Members,

I am very pleased to report that ongoing resident testing per NYS Department of Health requirements has turned up no positive cases of COVID-19. Our employee weekly testing did however result in one additional positive result requiring us to continue the ban on outside visitation for an additional two weeks.

COVID vaccination administration was performed on Monday, January 4th and I am very proud to report that 97% of our resident population received the first dose of the vaccine! Additionally, thirty six percent of our employees elected to receive the vaccine during this first vaccine clinic visit, as well. No residents suffered any adverse reactions to the vaccine and no employees reported any issues or called out sick subsequent to being vaccinated.

There will be a second vaccine clinic day on January 25th to administer second doses to all who received their first dose this past Monday, and also administer first doses to any new admissions and any additional staff that would like to be vaccinated. We expect employee vaccination rates to increase significantly during this second clinic date.

male doctor discussing COVID-19 with senior male patient

We remain vigilant against this virus and will continue to do all we can to keep everyone in San Simeon safe and well.

Warm regards,

Steven Smyth


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