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COVID-19 Vaccination Update

Dear Residents and Family Members,

We apologize for any confusion but we were just informed by CVS Pharmacy, the entity who will be administering the COVID-19 vaccine to our residents and staff, have rescheduled the vaccination date at San Simeon. Unfortunately they have moved our vaccination dates to January 4th and 25th (from previously scheduled December 30 and January 20).

As this is a two shot vaccine, residents and some staff will be vaccinated on January 4th and receive their second dose on January 25th. Also on the 25th, anyone who did not receive their first dose on the 4th may have their first dose administered on the 25th. There will be a third clinic date (to be determined but likely on or around February 15th) to provide second doses to those who received their first dose on January 25th.

The consent you provided earlier is sufficient and there is no need for any additional action on your part. We merely are informing you of the date change. We expect there will be no further rescheduling of the vaccination process however this is not in our control.

nurse administering COVID-19 vaccine to senior female

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

Steve Smyth


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