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Thursday, December 8th Update

Dear Residents and Family Members,

Ongoing resident testing was completed last evening, and this morning did reveal 7 new cases of COVID among our resident population. That brings the total COVID positive in-house to 22 and Influenza to 2. We have no staff positive currently. I truly cannot stress enough how important proper infection control practices while in the facility are to the safety of all residents, employees, and visitors. A slight change to the visitation policy is being put into place as of today, a negative test will be required daily even if timing is less than 24 hours. Test kits will be available 7 days a week during this outbreak. Please refrain from visiting if you are not feeling well or have been exposed on the outside. Please try to limit visitation and out on pass visits as much as possible to help us control this outbreak.  This variant seems to spread rapidly. All positive residents are stable and doing well. Facetime calls can be set up with the recreation department Ext 423 to limit the amount of traffic and possible exposure to our residents.


Kelly Moteiro, MS RN Acting Administrator

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